Completing the 2020 Census will help with funding for a variety of educational programs. These programs give us an opportunity to shape the next generation. If you have not completed your 2020 Census, please go to for more information.
Attention Families of Remote Learners:
Arthur CUSD 305 is able to offer FREE meals for students who pre-order for the week. This form MUST be filled out by Thursday, September 17 to order meals for the Week of September 21.
Pick up times for each building is as follows:
Monday, September 21 Pickup:
AGS - 8:30-10:00 a.m.
AHGS - 9:30-10:15 a.m.
LGS - 8:30-10:00 a.m.
ALAHHS - 8:30-10:00 a.m.
We will never forget. 9-11-01
Attention Families of Remote Learners:
Arthur CUSD 305 is able to offer FREE meals for students who pre-order for the week. This form MUST be filled out by Thursday, September 10 to order meals for the Week of September 14. Pick up times for each building is as follows:
Monday, September 14 Pickup:
AGS - 8:30-10:00 a.m.
AHGS - 9:30-10:15 a.m.
LGS - 8:30-10:00 a.m.
ALAHHS - 8:30-10:00 a.m.
Wanted Sub Food Service Workers to work on a as-needed basis in the Arthur kitchens.
Apply at
A huge thank you to The Great Pumpkin Patch and The Homestead Bakery. The treats were delicious and we really appreciate the gift card! It is a great day to be a Knight! #GoKnights
Perfect night for some softball! Let’s go Knights!
Arthur CUSD 305 Families: This is a reminder that this weekend is a four-day weekend for students. There is no school on Friday, September 4 (Remote Planning Day for teachers) and Monday, September 7 (Labor Day).
Attention Families of Remote Learners:
Those who are interested in ordering meals for the week of September 8 MUST pre-order by Thursday, September 3 at noon. Click on the Google Form link below to place your order. Due to no school this coming Monday, September 7 for Labor Day, the meal pickup for orders will be on Tuesday, September 8.
Full price Breakfast: $2.00
Full price Lunch: K-5= $2.70 and 6-12=$2.90
If you are free and reduced the prices are based according to that. Payments can be made at pick-up with cash or check. Payments can also be made prior to pick-up through Skyward.
Attention Knights Fans! If you are looking for some new Knights gear check out our online store: Orders are due 9/14. #GoKnights
We made it through the first full week of school! There was so much energy in the building and for the first time in a long time there were sounds of learning, laughing, and excitement! It has been an amazing week observing kids learning in an entirely different way than they are used to. Our teachers have transformed their classrooms into places that can reach students in person and remote at the same time. Our community has poured out support for our students and staff. What I have learned this week is that we can do this. We can provide a meaningful education to students in class and remote. We can work together with parents to provide for our students. We can overcome this pandemic we are in and make the best of the situation. We can succeed. I am excited to continue this journey. I cherish each day we have with our students in our building. I acknowledge the hard work our teachers are putting in to make this work. I see the parents working hard at home to help their kids stay connected. Keep up the great work! We are in this together! I hope everyone has a great weekend!
Look for a Story Walk posted around the school playground. It’s a way to take a mask break, get some fresh air, and practice social distancing, all while enjoying a good book. Our first installment is TWIG by Aura Parker.
Good Morning! Just a quick reminder that all students need to be self-certified by 7:15 each morning. Thank you for your cooperation!
Attention Families of Remote Learners:
Those who are interested in ordering meals for the week of August 31 MUST pre-order by Thursday, August 27 at noon. Click on the Google Form link below to place your order.
Full price Breakfast: $2.00
Full price Lunch: K-5= $2.70 and 6-12=$2.90
If you are free and reduced the prices are based according to that.
Payments can be made at pick-up with cash or check.
Payments can also be made prior to pick-up through Skyward.
I was not able to get around to see everyone’s google meetings today but did catch this teacher hard at work! I have observed these teachers teaching in person and remote, balancing families and working nonstop to prepare for your kiddos! I have also witnessed them not only learning how to teach online but working with parents to troubleshoot! Our teachers are amazing and we are so blessed to have them!
The IDPH released updated procedures on exclusion guidelines today for schools. We have added the updated guidelines to our Arthur CUSD 305 Return to Learn Plan Fall 2020 document that is linked below.
We had a great first day in 2nd. Started the day with a mask reveal so we could see faces and I got to see some of my former peeps from last year.
We are off to a great start! Group time, stories, and dancing! #GoKnights
As the principal of Atwood-Hammond Grade School I want to take a moment to thank the dedicated teachers and staff that have been working day and night to prepare for the beginning of this school year. They are about to embark on a journey that none of them were prepared for. These teachers have embraced the challenge of not only teaching in person with numerous guidelines and restrictions, but also reaching students remotely. This is not an easy task, but I have full confidence that they will succeed. This community has been nothing but supportive during this whole process and I am sitting here tonight, the night before it all begins, to ask that you continue to show that support to our educators. Many times they are looked at as superheroes with all the answers. While I truly believe they are all heroes, I want to remind you that they are moms, dads, wives, husbands, caregivers, and teachers. They try to make the best choices for the situations they are in. We are ready for the school year! We are ready to come into the year with a positive outlook and we will make the best of this situation. I am so proud to be a Knight! #GoKnights
Attention Arthur CUSD #305 Remote Learning Families,
Arthur CUSD #305 is happy to be able to offer breakfast and lunch to students who have chosen remote learning during this time. Please see the information below for details regarding breakfast and lunch for our remote learners. Those who are interested in ordering meals MUST pre-order by Thursday's at noon. A new Google Form will be posted each week to place your order.