One Stop Community Christmas 2023 at Lake Land College. Sign-ups start November 8 and close November 10. Check out www.onestopcommunitychristmas.com for more information and to sign up.

JH Boys Basketball

JH Girls 11-7-23

JH Girls Basketball 11/6

Artist of the Week this week is Carter Fleming! Congrats!!

Cyrus Zackery, in second grade was our second finisher to reach his reading goal. Alex Stodden, in fourth grade was our third finisher. Keep reading!

11/4/23 JH Girls canceled

Arthur CUSD #305 would like to invite all parents, guardians, and community members to join us this evening to listen to Dr. Steve Webb. Dr. Webb has written a bestselling book, “Education in a Violent World: A Practical Guide to Keeping our Kids Safe” and will be presenting on the topic “How parents can protect their children in a violent world…Are you ready?”. Join us at 6:00 pm this evening at ALAH High School West Gym.

JH Girls Basketball 10/31

The morning Pre-K students were very excited to have a Tooth Fairy sighting in the hallway today! She reminded them to brush their teeth every day!

SIGN UP TODAY: Dr. Webb is a board-certified Workplace Violence Threat Assessment Specialist, A.L.I.C.E. Active Shooter Response Training Instructor, and R.A.I.D.E.R. Solo Engagement Tactics Level II Instructor for law enforcement and he is a professor at Southern Illinois University and McKendree University specializing in school law and policy. Join us this Thursday at 6:00 pm at ALAH High School West Gym to hear him speak on how parents and guardians can protect their children in a violent world. Pizza and drinks will be provided from 5:00-5:45. Please RSVP by 3:00 today using the link below or by scanning the QR code: https://forms.gle/9fyACaXjgtQJcoM88

JH Girls Basketball 10/30

Artist of the Week this week is Zoe Hall! Congrats!!

Artist of the Week this week is Zoe Hall! Congrats!

JH 8th Grade Girls Basketball JHOC Champions! Congratulations Knights!!

Dear AHGS Parents and Guardians:
The school is filled with parents, children and crucial conversations tonight. Good things are happening tonight and it's in the name, parent and teacher. Parents are a critical part of our and our students' success in schools. Parent-Teacher Conference Night is one of my favorite nights of the year, along with Christmas Concerts (see the Looking Ahead section) and Spring Fairs. This is a big milestone in the year and we are on the downward slope to Thanksgiving and Winter Break. Wow, that is hard to believe.
Speaking of Winter Break. We are going to experience a big drop in temperatures this weekend. Please remember to send students in coats, hats and gloves if needed, as the weather turns cold, we will be outside for recess as much as possible and want our little friends to be warm while playing.
Kindergartens through Fifth grade remember to bring your costumes (please don’t wear them to school) on October 31st, for our first quarter celebration costume and dance party for PBIS during the school day. Please remember, no blood, gore, weapons or overly scary costumes is the general rule.
Mark your calendars to join us on Thursday, November 2 at ALAH High School Gym at 6:00 pm to listen to best-selling author Dr. Steve Webb. Dr. Webb will be discussing how parents can protect their children in a violent world and how to keep your children safe on the internet and social media. Pizza and drinks will be provided from 5:00-5:45. Please RSVP by Tuesday, October 31 using the link below or by scanning the QR code: https://forms.gle/9fyACaXjgtQJcoM88
Our Veteran’s Day program is quickly approaching. This event is open for everyone. Students of all ages are singing songs, reading meaningful texts and performing a touching Missing Man ceremony this year. If you are able, feel free to come to the school on November 10th at 10:30 for our program. It will be held in the gym with refreshments and reception for veterans and their families to follow in the cafeteria.
Interstate Studios will be here for Picture Retake Day on November 17th. If you were not happy with your child’s Fall picture, you have the option to retake pictures that day.
We need mentors for our students. If you are interested in becoming a mentor, please check out our website for the recent news article on this important program.
My Very Best,
Mr. Forman
Looking Ahead:
November 9- Early Dismissal at 1:15
November 10- Veterans Day Program at 10:15
November 17- Second Quarter Midterm
November 17- Picture Retake Day
November 22- Thanksgiving Break Begins
December 6- K-2 Christmas Concert
December 14- Early Dismissal at 1:15
December 20- Early Dismissal at 2:15
December 21- Early Dismissal at 2:15
December 22- No School/Winter Break Begins

MORE COW BELL!! There are still a few Knights bells available for purchase in the high school office! $5 each. Stop by at get yours for Saturdays game!

As seen on FOX News in America with Trey Gowdy, Dr. Steve Webb will be presenting at ALAH High School Gym on November 2 at 6:00 pm on the topic of “How parents can protect their children in a violent world…Are you ready?”. Pizza and drinks will be provided from 5:00-5:45. Please RSVP by Tuesday, October 31 using the link below or by scanning the QR code: https://forms.gle/9fyACaXjgtQJcoM88.

School will be dismissed early today and tomorrow. High school will dismiss at 2:00 and grade schools will dismiss at 2:15.
Parent/Teacher Conferences Today & Tomorrow (October 25-26, 2023 from 4-8 pm). No School Friday, October 27, 2023.

Good Morning AHGS Families: Don't forget to wear red today for Red Ribbon Week. Also, parents of 5th-8th grade students can send money for Sister's Coffee Truck. They will be at AHGS from 11-1 today, and if you are in town and around, feel free to stop by the truck too! Conferences start this afternoon. 2:15 dismissal today and tomorrow. Stay dry!
-Mr. Forman