JH Girls Basketball 9/19
over 1 year ago, Amanda Romine
Picture day at AHGS is tomorrow! Come dressed in your best. Order online at https://inter-state.com/FlyerEntry/80240MF.
over 1 year ago, Chris Forman
Picture Day Flier
Do you need some new Knights gear? ALAH Athletics is selling the "W" shirts. If you are interested in purchasing a t-shirt or hoody, click on the link below. Orders are due 9/22 and shirts can be picked up at the high school on 9/28. #GoKnights https://docs.google.com/forms/d/112bxW4qc3DL0Nd1sMDvdN5MJUoUwJ8zaQ9TqOlMfsj4/edit?ts=6507b551
over 1 year ago, Nathan Seal
Atwood-Hammond 6th grade students enjoying the animals on their field trip to Walnut Point .
over 1 year ago, Chrissy Patterson
Good Friday morning. Please see the link for the upcoming BOE meeting next week. Have a great weekend. https://5il.co/24xfv
over 1 year ago, Shannon Cheek
JH Girls Basketball 9/14
over 1 year ago, Amanda Romine
REMINDER: Tomorrow, Thursday, September 14 is a School Improvement Day. The high school will dismiss at 1:00 p.m. and the grade schools will dismiss at 1:15 p.m. Have a wonderful evening!
over 1 year ago, Arthur CUSD 305
JH Baseball 9/13
over 1 year ago, Nathan Seal
Artist of the Week this week is Kolten Janowski! Congrats!!
over 1 year ago, Katy Agney
Artist of the Week this week is Kolten Janowski! Congrats!!
Junior High students working hard on fact fluency for Ms. Snoddy's math class!
over 1 year ago, Chris Forman
Math Students
School Attendance Matters...Keep Students on Track for Success!
over 1 year ago, Arthur CUSD 305
School Attendance Matters...Showing up Together
over 1 year ago, Arthur CUSD 305
JH Softball Regional 9/6
over 1 year ago, Amanda Romine
Every Student. Every Day. All Day.
over 1 year ago, Arthur CUSD 305
JH Baseball 9/5
over 1 year ago, Nathan Seal
Artist of the Week this week is Gwen Herring! Congrats!!
over 1 year ago, Katy Agney
Artist of the Week this week is Gwen Herring! Congrats!!
Missing School = Missing Out
over 1 year ago, Arthur CUSD 305
Good evening Knights.  I hope you had a great weekend and enjoyed Labor Day.  I’ve been in the building throughout the weekend to try and make the best decision regarding the week ahead.  Although it’s never an easy decision to make, we are going to be operating under our normal dismissal times.  We will continue to monitor the high school building and update if any changes with scheduling need to occur.  Thanks for your patience and understanding.  Have a great week.   Mr. Shannon Cheek
over 1 year ago, Amanda Romine
Hello Knights, I hope you have had a great week and are looking forward to the weekend. I wanted to reach out and communicate with you regarding the potential for more heat next week. My goal is to always communicate as much in advance when possible, and that trend will continue. I plan to visit the high school frequently over the weekend, checking the temps and monitoring the heat in the building. If we are going to be dismissed early on Tuesday of next week, I will try and communicate that by Monday later afternoon at the latest. The goal is to remain in school for the full scheduled day but since the high school building does not have A/C and often has a hard time cooling off when the temps are consistently high we will make that determination as early as possible. Thanks for your continued understanding. Have a great Labor Day weekend.
over 1 year ago, Arthur CUSD 305
Mrs. Strack's first graders have been exploring the work place activities for our new Bridges curriculum. They were pretty creative and even built a tower taller than me!!
over 1 year ago, Mrs. Strack