Let’s go Knights

Afternoon preK got to experience making Slime today, too!

I got the honor of eating lunch with this Shining Knight today! Thank you for choosing me as your reward!

Mr. Manselle’s class presented to the preK this morning! Everyone loves slime

What a wonderful day! Mrs. Fleming received a wonderful award from staff member Mr. Manselle today! She was awarded the “office extraordinaire of the decade”

Royal treatment on this Monday morning! This student has earned 125 Knight Bucks!

Celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

The kiddos in prek are anxiously awaiting the arrival of baby Walker. They are preparing by making phone calls, measuring the baby, and painting pictures! We can’t wait to meet Mrs. Walker’s newest addition!

There is nothing better than twinning with your friends!

Happy Friday!! Spending the morning with Mrs. Hollingsworth’s study hall! They know how to start the day!

8th grade in their 2nd game! Fight like a Knight!

7th grade Knights win in 3!!!

7th grade girls in game three! Finish strong Knights! Currently 18-14

Junior High quarterly honor roll awards! Congratulations to these students for working hard 2nd quarter! Keep up the great work!

2nd quarter honor roll breakfast! So proud of our students for working hard! #GoKnights

Let’s go 8th grade!!

7th grade girls win in 3!!

8th grade won!! 7th grade is trailing at the start of the 3rd! Fight like a Knight!

Remember that Monday is pajama day at AHGS! We have over 100 followers on twitter now!! 😁

Down by one at the half!! Come on Knights!!