Class of 2024 Senior Spotlights
8 months ago, April Hart
We finished Teacher Appreciation week circulating throughout Arthur CUSD 305, recognizing staff for their outstanding efforts. Thank you to all of the teachers and staff for all they do.
8 months ago, Amanda Romine
We finished Teacher Appreciation week circulating throughout Arthur CUSD 305, recognizing staff for their outstanding efforts. Thank you to all of the teachers and staff for all they do.
8 months ago, Amanda Romine
We finished Teacher Appreciation week circulating throughout Arthur CUSD 305, recognizing staff for their outstanding efforts. Thank you to all of the teachers and staff for all they do.
8 months ago, Amanda Romine
Class of 2024 Senior Spotlights
8 months ago, April Hart
Check out the latest ToKnight Show Podcast with Mr. Cheek as he fields questions from ALAH High School students at Enjoy listening to the great stories at ALAH! All podcasts can be viewed at
8 months ago, Arthur CUSD 305
toknight show
Congratulations to our girls track IHSA State Meet qualifiers! 4x800 and 4x100 #GoKnights
8 months ago, Nathan Seal
Today, we recognized and thanked our mentors and mentees in Arthur CUSD 305. Thank you for volunteering your time and building the relationships with our students. If you are interested in becoming a mentor, reach out to Mrs. Amanda Romine at
8 months ago, Arthur CUSD 305
Baseball 5/9
8 months ago, Nathan Seal
Softball 5/9
8 months ago, Nathan Seal
Class of 2024 Senior Spotlights
8 months ago, April Hart
Congratulations to Landon Waldrop on his commitment to play football at Millikin University! #GoKnights
8 months ago, Nathan Seal
Gather your ALAH high school library books and return them on Friday please!
8 months ago, Melissa Schrock
Library Books
On her last max of her high school career Kendall Burdick becomes the girls all time Squat leader with a weight of 300 pounds!!! Congrats Kendall and good luck at ISU next year!
8 months ago, Mitch Wilson
Good morning Knights! I know there has been a significant number of reminders about the upcoming open houses we are hosting at the high school, but I wanted to send one final reminder before the first one occurs this Saturday, starting at 9 am. I also wanted to provide you with some final directions for the open houses and inform you on what to expect during your visit. We currently have three dates and times scheduled, Saturday, May 11th from 9am-1pm, Tuesday, May 14th from 4pm-7pm and then on Wednesday, May 15th from 4pm-6pm. The open houses will be formatted as just that, an open house. You may arrive at any time, stay as short or as long as you need/want and make the experience what you need. We will have our district architects on site as well as various staff members, and they are eager to answer any questions you may have in addition to showing you around the building. We want to provide you with a proposed building plan that has a nice mix of new and remodeled portions of the existing building. The high school has good bones and we tried to preserve as much of that character and blueprint as possible moving forward. At the beginning of the school year, we had a team of our architects on site, talking with staff and students about their wants, needs and desires. From that information, some plans were developed and recently vetted with focus groups in each community consisting of staff, parents and community members. After considering all of those viewpoints and digesting the suggestions, we are ready to present a plan that encapsulates all of that information and suggestions. As stated, the plan incorporates a nice mix of new and remodeled spaces at the current location. In addition, it provides our students and staff with educational spaces and opportunities that are more consistent with best practices for educating students in the 21st century. So, listed below are some highlights of what to expect during your visit, and another reminder of the dates and times. It is a responsibility to be informed and we hope that you take one or all of these opportunities to do so. I am so excited for the potential this project creates for our staff, students and communities, so if you cannot make one of the open houses, please reach out to me personally to set a time we can discuss and learn more together. My office number is 217-543-2511, or my email is What to expect from your visit? ● Tour of the facility ● Information about the potential building plan ● Financial implications of the building plan ● Information about current educational challenges the current facility presents ● Opportunity to ask questions and receive accurate information Dates and Times - all of the open houses are held on the campus of the high school ● Saturday, May 11th, 9am-1pm ● Tuesday, May 14th, 4pm-7pm ● Wednesday, May 15th, 4pm-6pm Please plan on entering the facility through the main doors to the high school, on the North West side of the building.
8 months ago, Shannon Cheek
FCS Classes are winding down with 'Free Lab' choices based on ingredients in the cabinets, freezers and fridges plus basic staples. Some creations this week: Pasta, Cookies, Breakfast Sandwiches, Pizza, Dirt Pudding, Deconstructed Pizza Rolls.
8 months ago, Ginger Voegel
Congratulations to Madison Schweighart on her commitment to play softball at Missouri Valley College! #GoKnights
8 months ago, Nathan Seal
Class of 2024 Senior Spotlights
8 months ago, April Hart
Sweeteaz will be in the high school parking lot tomorrow, Thursday 5/9, from 7:30am to 11am!
8 months ago, Justine Gimer
Tea truck!
Baseball 5/7
8 months ago, Nathan Seal