Attention Knights Fans! Here are some links to our sideline store and to some "pop-up" stores where you can find all types of Knights gear. ALAH Sideline Store: XGRAIN Store: Volleyball Fan Wear Store: Cheer Fan Wear Store:
over 2 years ago, Nathan Seal
Artist of the Week last week: Jackson Lieb. Congrats! Also a special thank you to everyone who brought supplies to the art room. I am so grateful and I know we will have many grateful art students this year. 💜
over 2 years ago, Katy Agney
Artist of the Week last week: Jackson Lieb. Congrats!
JH Softball 8/25
over 2 years ago, Nathan Seal
JH Baseball 8/25
over 2 years ago, Nathan Seal
A huge THANK YOU to Adrienne Seal, Claire Seal, Charley Condill, Alisha Frederick, and Christy Frederick for painting the logo on Wilson Field yesterday! We are looking forward to hosting Knights Fest and our first football game tomorrow night! #GoKnights
over 2 years ago, Nathan Seal
Arthur CUSD 305 is looking for community volunteers for Atwood-Hammond Grade School, Arthur Grade School, Lovington Grade School and Atwood-Hammond High School to become a mentor to a student. Please see the attached article for more information and contact Amanda Romine, or at 217-578-2229 if you would be interested in becoming a mentor.
over 2 years ago, Amanda Romine
JH Baseball 8/23
over 2 years ago, Nathan Seal
JH Softball 8/23
over 2 years ago, Nathan Seal
3️⃣Third Day of Third Grade! 3️⃣
over 2 years ago, Mrs. Crist
AHGS celebrated the Third Day of Third Grade today!! We had 3 recesses, 3 snacks, a 3 legged race, and had a rock, paper, scissors competition!
over 2 years ago, Mrs. Crist
JH Softball 8/18
over 2 years ago, Nathan Seal
JH Softball 8/16/22
over 2 years ago, Nathan Seal
JH Baseball 8/16/22
over 2 years ago, Nathan Seal
First Day of School Reminders: It's finally here, the first day of the 2022-2023 school year is tomorrow! Parents please remember that breakfast starts at 7:45 and the first bell rings at 8:00. This year students are tardy after 8:05. This is the last morning bell and a change from last year. Students will be late if they arrive to school or class after 8:05. Also, please remember that dismissal is at 1:30 until Labor Day weekend. Here's to a great year ahead! Go Knights!
over 2 years ago, Chris Forman
A HUGE thank-you to LyondellBasell for their generous donation of picnic tables and potted plants to ALAH High School! Our students will enjoy using these tables for years to come. We appreciate the community partnership that has been formed! @LyondellBasell
over 2 years ago, Nathan Seal
JH Baseball and JH Softball 8/15/22
over 2 years ago, Nathan Seal
Welcome to the 2022-2023 School Year/August Newsletter
over 2 years ago, Chris Forman
Lovington Grade School is currently accepting applications for a paraprofessional. Description and Qualifications: Duties include but not limited to the ability to work effectively in a team environment providing support to teachers and students, assisting in duties related to supervision of lunchroom, playground, and bus activities. Qualifications include: High School Diploma or equivalent. Must pass a background check. Application Procedure: Apply online at For more information, contact Mrs. Marla Graham, Lovington Grade School Principal at
over 2 years ago, Arthur CUSD 305
JH Softball 8/8/22
over 2 years ago, Nathan Seal
JH Baseball
over 2 years ago, Nathan Seal
JH Baseball