7th grade girls beat Tri-county in 2!! Go Knights!!!
about 5 years ago, Kristin Nall
Knights win!! They play again Tuesday at 6pm in Sullivan! Knights will take on Shelbyville
about 5 years ago, Kristin Nall
In the fourth quarter.. Knights up 27-20!!
about 5 years ago, Kristin Nall
Knights up at halftime! 20-15
about 5 years ago, Kristin Nall
8th graders kicking off regional play now! Let’s go Knights!
about 5 years ago, Kristin Nall
Congratulations to Norma, our week 7 Emoji Story Title contest winner!! The correct answer was The Snowy Day. Norma chose Gracias the Thanksgiving Turkey as her prize. Come check out the Week 9 picture now in the LGS library!
about 5 years ago, Amy Tighe
Norma and her new book.
Landen Franklin guesses exactly right! 549 jellybeans in the jar. Congratulations Landen! Read chapter 5 of Chocolate Touch this weekend to be ready for Monday’s questions.
about 5 years ago, Amy Tighe
Landen and his jellybeans!
Thanks, Miss Lehman for coming to help 5th Grade with the Spelling Bee!
about 5 years ago, Justin Jerkovitz
5th Grade Spelling Bee
5th Grade Spelling Bee
On Fridays, Kindergarten and Fourth Grade pair up and read books! Favorite part of the week. :)
about 5 years ago, Lindsay Wells
4th grade reads with Kindergarten
Cousins reading together
We are loving our new app! Access sports scores, cafeteria menus, news updates, and even emergency notifications, right from your pocket. Download the app on Android: http://bit.ly/36O8eCt or iPhone: https://apple.co/2QMbqZP.
about 5 years ago, Amanda Romine
New app
8th grade getting ready to play!!
about 5 years ago, Kristin Nall
Starting lineup
7th grade Knights WIN in 3!! Great game girls!!! Go Knights
about 5 years ago, Kristin Nall
That’s a Win
7th grade in a close game 3!! Let’s go Knights
about 5 years ago, Kristin Nall
Close game
Knightly Reading’s pop up candy store, like the one John found in Chapter 2 of Chocolate Touch, made an appearance at LGS Wednesday. Chocolate kisses for 3-5!
about 5 years ago, Amy Tighe
Pop-up candy store!
Mrs. Tighe asking questions about Chapter 2
Everyone 💕❤️ chocolate!
Knightly Reading’s pop up candy store, like the one John found in Chapter 2 of Chocolate Touch, made an appearance at LGS Wednesday. Chocolate kisses for 6-8!
about 5 years ago, Amy Tighe
Everyone 💕❤️ chocolate!
Everyone 💕❤️ chocolate!
Everyone 💕❤️ chocolate!
2nd grade teamed up with 3rd grade today to help them dissect owl pellets! 3rd grade has been learning about ecosystems and food chains.
about 5 years ago, Kara Moffett
Lots of learning!
Searching for bones!
Working hard!
All our findings!
Knightly Reading’s pop up candy store, like the one John found in Chapter 2 of Chocolate Touch, made an appearance at LGS Wednesday. Chocolate kisses for K-2!
about 5 years ago, Amy Tighe
Everyone 💕❤️ chocolate!!
Everyone 💕❤️ chocolate!!
Mrs Tighe asking questions about Chapter 2
Everyone 💕❤️ chocolate!!
Parents, a reminder that we dismiss at 2:15 tomorrow.
about 5 years ago, Brandon Stone
The 4th graders have been learning about simple machines in reading. They presented a reader’s theater to other classes to share their knowledge.
about 5 years ago, Whitney Smith
2nd grade loves having Ag in the Classroom each month! This month we learned about dairy farms. Then we made butter in a jar and got to taste test it with crackers!
about 5 years ago, Kara Moffett
All done!
They loved it!
Shaking up the butter!
Enjoying the butter!