Arthur CUSD #305 is asking for input from community members as we address a long-range facility improvement plan to solve facility needs and plan for the future of their school buildings.

The public is invited to attend the first in a series of community meetings on November 3 from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm at Arthur Lovington Atwood Hammond High School. The event will be held in the gym. Virtual options will be offered and advertised once finalized. Meeting 2 is December 1st and Meeting 3 is January 12th.

This program is being organized by a coordinating committee of approximately 15 volunteers led by three co-chairs – Jon Day, Jason Yeakel and Matt Schrock. Through a series of community workshops, the District will gather data and input to identify community priorities related to the development of a long-range facility plan. ALL members of the community are invited and encouraged to participate in this engagement process.

Our community co-chairs are heading up this citizen-led facilitating team that is coordinating, hosting, and overseeing the entire community engagement program. Information gathered from the workshops will serve as the basis for a summary report and recommendation that will be presented to the Board of Education early next year.

It all starts on November 3 at 6:00 p.m. at the Arthur Lovington Atwood Hammond High School gym. It will be the first in a series of “roll-up-your-sleeves” workshop sessions. Each session will begin with a presentation that provides key information about the topic at hand. Participants will then work in small groups to discuss and reach a consensus on responses to a short work activity. Each group will then share its conclusions with everyone in attendance. Input received will be documented and available for review on the District website. 

Findings of a recent facility assessment survey, work related to student programs and opportunities will be presented, as well as draft options that have been developed by BLDD Architects of Decatur, IL to address facility needs.  Community feedback for changes and improvements will be gathered.

For more information, please contact Shannon Cheek, Superintendent:  217-543-2511, or email

Supported by highly skilled and dedicated staff, Arthur CUSD #305 provides a safe and respectful public school experience for 1,200 students from pre-K through 12th grade across the communities of Arthur, Lovington, Atwood, and Hammond. Our vision is to provide students with the staff, resources, and aligned standards to enable all to achieve educational excellence.