Our ALAH Service Club spent this afternoon practicing ! #GoKnights
almost 5 years ago, Steffanie Seegmiller
Service Club practice
Service Club practice
Child & DayCare Services students each complete 1 Bulletin Board per quarter. To end 3rd quarter students were representing the seasons! I think they are saying they are ready for sunshine!
almost 5 years ago, Ginger Voegel
Bulletin Boards
It's revision day in English II for the career research papers! #GoKnights
almost 5 years ago, Kendall Huffman
Registered to vote! #ALAHcivics
almost 5 years ago, Nathan Anastas
students with their voter registration cards
Come teach with us! CUSD305 is recruiting at the UofI/EIU Educator’s Job Fair... table B-5. #GoKnights
almost 5 years ago, Steffanie Seegmiller
Educators Job Fair
ALAH are guests of the Millikin Symphonic Wind Ensemble & are joining them on stage for the final two pieces. Beautiful doesn’t begin to describe what they are producing. I am not sure who is more fortunate ... our students or the audience! This is ALAH! #GoKnights
almost 5 years ago, Steffanie Seegmiller
110 ALAH and MU students performing!
It just doesn’t get much better than this ... ALAH students performing on stage in front of the composer! WOW! #theyarekillingit #GoKnights
almost 5 years ago, Steffanie Seegmiller
Mr. Wood thanking everyone for the opportunity for our students !
The Q & A with the conductors and composer.... ALAH students and Millikin students asking questions . Check out our very own Mr. Wood on stage ... this is ALAH! #GoKnights
almost 5 years ago, Steffanie Seegmiller
Mr. Wood fielding questions ....
Our ALAH band students have an amazing opportunity this afternoon as they have been invited to play with the Millikin University Symphonic Wind Ensemble ... this is ALAH! #GoKnights
almost 5 years ago, Steffanie Seegmiller
ALAH band are guests of Millikin University’s Symphonic Wind Ensemble
Celebrating FFA Week!
almost 5 years ago, Megan Beckmier
FFA Week #GoKnights #ffarocks
almost 5 years ago, Megan Beckmier
FFA week
National FFA Week is coming to an end and we are celebrating by driving our tractors to school today! #nowthatisaride #weloveFFA #GoKnights
almost 5 years ago, Steffanie Seegmiller
Drive your tractor to school!
Only 2 Days left to support the ALAH track team with our fundraiser! www.fancloth.shop/HLFLU
almost 5 years ago, Mr. Thomas
Today's topic in class: the Executive Branch & the Seal of the President of the United States
almost 5 years ago, Nathan Anastas
students in civics class
students in civics class
students in civics class
students in civics class
ALAH FFA is cooking up a storm! They treat the ALAH faculty & staff to breakfast during National FFA Week! #howluckyarewe #Iam starving #GoKnights
almost 5 years ago, Steffanie Seegmiller
FFA Breakfast
FFA Breakfast
FFA Breakfast
Do you call it Grilled Cheese OR Cheese Toasty? Do you like it crispy or soggy? Light or dark? Intro to FACS classes explored the options today.
almost 5 years ago, Ginger Voegel
Lab Day
UPCYCLE A BOOK! You can make beautiful artwork by upcycling discarded library books. Check out what Cale Kreher, a 6th grader from Lovington Grade School, made! Ask how you can make your own project in the HS Library. #GoKnights!
almost 5 years ago, Renee Brown
Adolescent use of nicotine & marijuana are at an all time high. This is 6th - 12th graders! Join us tonight for Michael DeLeon’s presentation to benefit parents, community members, and educators. We are in this together. 6:30 at the ALAH HS Cafeteria! #GoKnights
almost 5 years ago, Steffanie Seegmiller
Wondering about the truth about vaping & marijuana? Join us tonight for a presentation by the CEO of Steered Straight, Michael DeLeon. He will teach us about vaping, marijuana & so much more. Tonight at 6:30 in the high school cafeteria. Everyone is welcome. #GoKnights
almost 5 years ago, Steffanie Seegmiller
ALAH Knights are listening to the Director of Steered Straight and he is begging us to listen ... this generation is our hope to break the addiction problem in this country! We have to talk about what is taking place! #GoKnights
almost 5 years ago, Steffanie Seegmiller
Steered Straight