Happy Birthday to Cole Wardrip
PSAT Makeup testing today. Bells will be turned off.
Blood Drive - Student Council is hosting a blood drive on Tuesday. Nov. 1 from 9:30-1:30 in the gym. Students 16 years and older are eligible to donate. Sign up online! See Mrs. Sluder if you have any questions.
Principal’s Advisory Meeting during study hall today. Rescheduled from yesterday
Volleyball Regionals vs St Teresa 6pm. Knight Shift theme is Tacky Tourist! Admission is $5 for adults and students - there are no passes to get in because it is a regional. NHS is selling hot dogs for $3 or $5 for a dog and chips.
On This Day: in 1955 The first domestic microwave ovens went on sale.
Wednesday, October 26, 2022
2pm Dismissal
Parent Teacher Conferences 4-8
Field Trip - Ag Safety Day
Field Trip - FFA to Convention
Student Council Meeting during Study Hall
Thursday, October 27, 2022
2pm Dismissal
Parent Teacher Conferences 4-8
Field Trip - FFA to Convention
Volleyball Regionals @ ALAH TBD
Friday, October 28, 2022
No School
Saturday, October 29, 2022
Football Playoffs @ Vandalia 2:00pm (Bus 10:00am)
Cheerleaders bus @ 9:00am
Cross Country Sectionals @ Dodds Park in Champaign
Girls 10:00am, boys to follow
Coming UP:
Picture Retake Day - November 10th