Happy Birthday to Mrs. Voegel
Math & Writing Center - On Monday, September 12th the Math and Writing center will open in the library every day during Study Hall. If you need help with Math or English there are student coaches and teachers available. You must sign up for a time online and check in with your study hall teacher before you go. The link will be included in your emailed announcements every day. Math & Writing Center Sign-Up (2022-23)
Freshmen Mentors and Mentees are meeting today during flex. Mentors you are dismissed from your flex class to meet with your mentees.
Concessions - we still need workers for tomorrow's JV Volleyball game. Talk to Mrs. Martinez if you are interested in working.
Football @ Villa Grove 7:00pm (Bus 4:30)
Cheerleaders - Bus 5:15pm
WCIA Game of the Week! We are the WCIA Game of the Week - we will be collecting monetary donations for the Eastern Illinois Food Bank in the office all week and at the game on Friday. Donations are also accepted electronically. Our goal in the friendly competition is to collect more money than Villa Grove! If you would like to donate online the link is in the announcements, be sure to select Arthur when making your donation! Donate to Tackle Hunger.
On This Day: in 2015 Elizabeth II became the longest-reigning monarch in British history, surpassing Victoria's record reign of 63 years and 216 days. Queen Elizabeth died yesterday at the age of 96.
Saturday, September 10, 2022
JV Volleyball @ Knights Classic Tournament 9:00am (Streamed on NFHS Network)
Soccer @ Teutopolis 11:00am (Bus 9:00)
Cross Country @ Peoria 9:00am (Bus 6:00)
Monday, September 12, 2022
JV Football @ Villa Grove 6:00pm (Bus 4:15)
Volleyball @ Sullivan 5:00pm (Bus 4:15)
Golf vs Okaw Valley 4:00pm
Tuesday, September 13, 2022
Golf vs Tuscola 4:00pm
Volleyball vs Villa Grove 5:00pm (Streamed on NFHS Network)
Wednesday, September 14, 2022
Picture Day - to order go to inter-state.com/order and use order code: 68922KB
Student Council Meeting during Study Hall
Golf vs Tri-County 4:00pm
Thursday, September 15, 2022
Volleyball @ Tri-City (Buffalo) 6:00pm (Bus 4:15)
Soccer @ Meridian 4:30pm (Bus 2:45)
Friday, September 16, 2022
Football @ Cumberland 7:00pm (Bus 4:00)
Cheerleaders - Bus 5:00pm
Golf @ Mt. Zion (Bus 10:45am)
Saturday, September 17, 2022
Marching Band @ Sage City Invitational (Monticello) 3:15pm (Bus 1:15)
Soccer @ Warrensburg-Latham 10:00am (Bus 8:00)
Cross Country @ Tuscola 10:00am (Bus 8:30)