Homecoming plans are under way and the dance is scheduled for October 9th. If you would like to bring a guest that does not attend ALAH HS, the request forms can be picked up in the office.
Parking Passes are available in the office! Please stop by and get yours. Everyone that parks at the school will need a pass.
Student Registration Forms - Students please login to your skyward account and complete the simple 5 step registration process in Student Access. Look for the tile that says “Student Registration Forms 2021-22”
Football @ Tri-County 7pm (Bus 4:45)
1st Quarter Midterm
On this Day: in 1972 TV the comedy "M*A*S*H", debuted on CBS. This happens to be Mrs. Seegmiller’s all time favorite show FYI.
Saturday, Sept. 18
Cross Country @ Tuscola 10am (Bus HS @ 8:30. Atwood grade school @ 8:45. )
Marching Band Competition - Monticello (Bus 11:15) Performance time is 3:15 and Awards Ceremony is 5:15.
Upcoming Dates:
October 11th - No School - Columbus Day
Have a great day!