The Student Council School Spirit Committee meeting has been moved to 1:30 on Friday. Please see Mrs. Renfro if you have any questions.
Student Council t-shirts are in. Please pick-up in Mrs. Renfro's room.
1st Semester Report Cards have been posted to Skyward. Students and parents are able to view them online. Honor roll and class rank information has also been posted. Report cards include class rank and GPA information.
Early Dismissal: Thursday we have early dismissal at 1:oo. It is a school improvement day and teachers will not be available for office hours in the afternoon.
Monday No School in observance of Martin Luther King.
Dress Code Reminder: According to the district handbook hats and hoods are not to be worn in the school. If you have any questions about this policy or need further clarification feel free to come to the office and talk to Mrs. Seegmiller or Mr. Seal.
The Knight's Table is an opportunity for anyone in the high school to order free food items every day from the google form put in the daily announcements. It is easy to use and when ordered by 11:45 am it will be available for pick up in the cafeteria at the end of the day. Ask the office if you have questions.
Announcements - Wednesday, January 13, 2021
January 13, 2021