Good afternoon Knight Families:
Thanks to everyone that joined us for our virtual parent teacher conferences this week. It was a good opportunity for us to connect about your student’s education and experiences at ALAH. If you missed this opportunity, our faculty is always open to meeting with you. Just email your student’s teacher or call the office at 543-2146. We will connect you!
Report cards for the first Quarter have been posted in Skyward. You can access them by clicking on the “Portfolio.” tile. Please call the office if you are having trouble accessing this.
Today was our third mentoring lunch for our freshmen and their mentors. They talked about using student planners, organization for classes, and time management. Every freshman received a student planner, if they didn’t already have them, and ice cream treats! Please encourage your freshman to use that planner!
It looks like coat weather is officially arriving next week. At this time students will be allowed to keep their coats with them as they move from class to class. If you have any questions or concerns about this feel free to reach out to me.
It is almost time to put away our picnic tables because of the winter weather. We have arranged plenty of inside seating for both lunch hours for your students. Please remind them that staying at school to eat their sack lunch or the free school lunch is a good, safe option.
On Friday our Student Council is sponsoring their annual Costume Contest. It will have a few adaptations so we are able to follow all of our guidelines, but we are excited to continue this tradition. We also have a band and chorus performance scheduled for Friday evening. Our original plan for this performance has to be altered because of the climbing numbers in Douglas County. Stay tuned for details!
With the state and local numbers climbing, we always have to be prepared that remote learning may happen. I’m not saying we are going remote, just reminding us to be prepared. IF we would have to go remote your student would still start their day at 8 AM and go through 1:17 PM, logging into each of their classes. Attendance will be taken each period and all grades including homework, quizzes, tests, etc., count! Hopefully, going remote won’t happen and if it does it will be a short period of time.
October 27 - Make-up SAT test for the seniors
November 3 - Election Day - NO SCHOOL (This is new and mandated)
November 11 - Veteran’s Day (We will be in school. NO program, but we will be participating in activities for our Veterans.)
November 18 - Board of Education meeting
November 25 - 29 Thanksgiving Break
Mrs. Seegmiller