Good afternoon Knight Families:
Today was the end of our first quarter! We will be posting report cards on Friday of next week to Skyward. There are only nine short weeks until the end of the first semester. First quarter and second quarter each count for 40% and semester exams for 20% to make up your student’s final semester grade. Semester exams will be here before we know it.
Parent teacher conferences are NEXT WEEK! Our faculty is looking forward to talking with you. We believe that the relationships built between teachers and parents, and the flow of information back and forth, will ultimately have the greatest positive impact on children. Please call the high school office at 532-2146 to schedule your appointments for Wednesday or Thursday between 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. We promise to provide you with easy instructions for joining us via computer through Google Meets or over the phone!
Next week there will be a Lake Land College meeting on Monday at 2:30 and a University of Illinois meeting on Wednesday at 2:30. These workshops are both virtual. Any of our juniors and seniors interested in attending Lake Land College or the U of I are invited to sign up and attend these meetings.
Today our Aramark staff grilled hamburgers and hot dogs for all of our students and staff! The whole school smelled like summer! It was a treat for all of us! The line was a little longer than usual, but well worth the wait!
Please note that next Friday, October 23rd there is no school.
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Seegmiller