No School Monday - Columbus Day
Pictures: Students, if you did not have your picture taken in September the photographers will be here today to take your picture. We start pictures at 12:45. Senior banner pictures and team photos for Golf, Cross Country and Cheerleading will start at 2 pm.
Student Registration: If you haven’t already done so, please log onto your Skyward account, click on the tile that says “Student Registration” and complete the five step student registration.
Masks - It is important that you wash your masks on a regular basis. If you need additional masks to wear, stop by the office.
Seniors: The seniors will have a class meeting in the old and new gyms at 1:30 today. Please be sure to attend this meeting because the Herff Jones rep will be going over graduation orders.
YOU MUST HAVE A PARKING PASS by the end of the day TODAY or you will not be allowed to park in the school parking lot. If you do not display a parking pass in your vehicle please plan on walking or riding the bus next week :-)
Knightly News: The first edition of the Knightly News is out and you can pick
Tuesday is Pajama Day! Don't stress about what to wear on Tuesday. Roll out of bed and roll into school in your PJs for pajama day! This is part of the October Spirit Month sponsored by Student Council.
Next Wednesday Freshmen and Sophomores will be remote learning while Juniors and Seniors will be at school in person for testing.
Next Friday is the end of the first quarter.
Parent Teacher Conferences will be virtual this year. They are Wednesday, Oct. 21st and Thursday, Oct. 22nd from 4-8 p.m.
Planners are available in the office. Get yours so you can stay on track with your classes.
The Knight's Table is an opportunity for anyone in the high school to order free food items every day from the google form put in the daily announcements. It is easy to use and when ordered by 11:45 am it will be available for pick up in the cafeteria at the end of the day. Ask the office if you have questions.

Announcements - Friday, October 9, 2020
October 9, 2020