School pictures: We will be doing school pictures tomorrow. Seniors check your email for what you should wear. After school on Tuesday we will be doing senior banner pictures. If you are in a sport, marching band or cheer plan to have your picture taken in uniform. Remote Learners are signing up for times to have their pictures taken in the afternoon. Temporary Remote Learners will have their pictures (including banner photos) taken on a makeup picture day.
Parking passes: If you haven't already done so, please get your parking pass today. We will start checking the parking lot for permits this week.
Extra year books for sale. If you purchase from Mrs. Huffman before or after school for $50. Quantities are limited!
Planners are available in the office. Get yours so you can stay on track with your classes.
The Knight's Table is an opportunity for anyone in the high school to order free food items every day from the google form put in the daily announcements. It is easy to use and when ordered by 11:45 am it will be available for pick up in the cafeteria at the end of the day. Ask the office if you have questions.

Announcements - Monday, September 21, 2020
September 21, 2020