Happy Birthday today to Mrs. Voegel.
Parking Passes from last year are no longer valid. If you have not gotten a new one then please do so today.
The Knight's Table is an opportunity for anyone in the high school to order free food items every day from the Google form put in the daily announcements. It is easy to use and when ordered by 11:45 am it will be available for pick up in the cafeteria at the end of the day. Ask the office if you have questions.
Student Council Representatives and Class Presidents will meet Thursday morning at 7:20 in the New Gym. Please see Mrs. Renfro if you have any questions.
Statistics: If you get an email from a student taking Mr. Bates’ statistics class, please complete the form. This will be very helpful for them as they work on a project for his class.
Yearbooks can be picked up before or after school in Mrs. Huffman’s room.
Planners are available in the office. Get yours so you can stay on track with your classes.
This week is Suicide Prevention Awareness Week. If you are concerned about someone you know who might be suicidal, use ACT, which stands for Acknowledge, Care, and Tell. A is for Acknowledge. Acknowledge the signs of suicidality in a friend or yourself. This can include feelings of not being able to escape the pain, feeling worthlessness or hopelessness. Ask your friend directly if they are thinking about suicide. This communicates that you are open to speaking about suicide in a non-judgmental and supportive way. Use active listening and support your friend by validating their feelings.