ALAH Weekend Update

Good afternoon Knight Families:

We survived a very HOT week at ALAH High School.  If we kept records about these things, we might have set a record of consecutive days with this heat and humidity. We are excited about the cooler temperatures forecast for next week.  

The number of our students being certified before 7:15 am has crept up all week.  Please continue to partner with us and certify your students before 7:15 AM.  When your student has this completed before coming, it makes the beginning of the day much easier for them.  Again, we thank you for your help in remembering this as we know mornings can be crazy!

Friday, September 4th, school will NOT be in session.  This calendar change was made earlier this month.  Our faculty and staff will be participating in a Remote Learning Planning Day.  What a nice long four day weekend for everyone!

This week during announcements we have been highlighting items from our student and district handbook.  So far we have highlighted parking, backpacks, our dress code, etc.  It isn’t the usual way we have talked about student expectations, but we are getting the job done! 

Next Thursday we will officially run our eligibility report for the first time this school year.  This report will show us students that aren’t passing their classes.  Typically we will run this report every Friday morning at 10 AM.  If a student is on the eligibility list for a failing grade, they will have closed campus until that grade is passing. This report is also used for athletics. Parents will receive a message telling you this information and communication from your student’s teacher.  We want to encourage students and parents  to check their grades in SKYWARD regularly.  This is an easy platform for everyone to access and see what’s happening inside the classroom. 

Finally, we have the following items available in the office for your student to purchase. 

  • Parking passes - $2.00

  • Knight Planners  - $3.50

  • Knight masks (red or black) - $6.00

It’s been a good week and we are so thankful we are here and in person! Your students continue to do a good job managing the masks and social distancing!  These two things ...wearing masks and staying six feet apart, don’t come easy, but are helping us minimize the risk and be at ALAH!

Mrs. Seegmiller