ALAH Weekly Wrap Up 4/17/20

Hello everyone,

   We have made it through another week of staying at home and remote learning.  Earlier today I saw an article published in the Chicago Sun Times that Governor Pritzker is expected to close all Illinois schools for the remainder of the academic year.  As we learn what this means exactly, we will keep you informed. For right now, our remote learning plan, breakfast and lunch orders, and food pantry deliveries will all remain in place. 

   Your student should receive an assignment from every teacher each week.  These assignments must be turned back in to their teacher. Please continue to check with your student that they have submitted their work for each class.  If your student is struggling, please encourage him/her to email their teacher! We want to help your students be successful! Don’t forget our counselors are also available, if your student needs someone to talk with during this time.  Ms. Bright and Mrs. Hart are just an email away!

   I am wondering what you are learning about your high-schooler?  I recently had a parent share with me that their child is quite the procrastinator and another parent who indicated that their child gets everything done as soon as it posted, yet another parent said they have no idea how their child stays organized at school.  It’s good insight for all of us! I also want to encourage you to email teachers! Our entire faculty and staff are working hard to support your family. If you have questions or concerns, wondering if they are really joining the classroom meeting, just ask! 

         We will have our first ever virtual parent meeting for parents of seniors on Monday at 6 p.m.  If you have a senior, you should receive an email today with the link to join or the phone number to call in.  We will have meetings for parents of juniors, sophomores and freshmen later in the month. If you don’t receive an email, please call/email and let me know.  If you would like to submit a question prior to the meeting, please email me at  

     Tonight from 8:00 P.M. - 8:20 P.M, we are joining other schools throughout Illinois in showing our support of our senior student athletes, as well as the healthcare workers, first responders and all other essential employees working through this pandemic as a part of the Light for the Fight campaign started by the Illinois High School Association (IHSA). 

     For our students and families, even though we are not currently together, we still support one another and continue to be a KNIGHTS family.  We are inviting all of our communities to drive by our fields on Friday. We ask that you do not leave your vehicles during this time in an effort to follow social distancing guidelines. 



Mrs. Seegmiller