Senior year is probably one that no one wants to forget. Twelve years of education is hard on just about anyone. Every single day we have gotten up and gone to a school, and this all leads us to the night we walk across that stage at our graduation in May 2020. Or so we thought. The COVID-19 outbreak has put a literal break on our senior year and high school memories.
Initially, we have been counting down the days since the beginning. 180 days until graduation. Ninety-nine days until graduation, double digits! Now, the coronavirus has us begging to go back to school. So many times, we have said, “I can’t wait for high school to be over.” But not like this, this isn’t what we meant.
So many of us are worried that March 13, 2020, was our last day of high school. All sports and fine arts had been postponed until April 5, at that point. We were scared that we would never get to have the ‘lasts’ that we were promised, maybe we will never get to walk onto the field again, or step onto the track and cross a finish line one last time. We have been waiting for our whole lives to say goodbye, but not like this.
Every previous class and adult has told us, “Don’t blink, these are the best years of your lives, and they go by too fast.” Little did we know that ‘too fast’ would end too soon. A lot of memories are made in the last months of high school, and for us, they might have ended before we were ready. Now I am not sure if we will ever be ready to say goodbye.
Our countdown is now until May 1. The day school is supposed to start back up again. Twenty-five days until the Governor’s stay-at-home is over. And soon, one day until this “quarantine” is over! We are not sure yet what this shortened last semester will look like once we return, but we are sure of one thing: there is no good way to say goodbye.