Hello everyone ....Happy Saturday!
I hope this finds you and your family healthy and adjusting to this on-going crisis. This is a rather long weekly update, as I’m sharing information that I sent to your student earlier today.
We have finished our first week of remote learning. We are working hard to make sure your student is engaged with their teacher and the activities. They should receive 1 to 2 assignments per class every week. Assignments are emailed or posted on Google Classroom for students on Sunday/Monday with due dates clearly indicated. Many teachers are also providing classes on-line through Google Meetings, which is a great way for students to check in and see each other. Please remind your student to check and respond to their emails every day.
I have shared all of the information below with your student asking them to carefully read the long detailed email. But, before we get to this, I want to share two pieces of information that crossed my desk this week that have helped me keep things in perspective.
First, if Public Health called you tomorrow, and asked you to list all of the places your student had been and all of the people your student had been in contact with for the last 10 days, would you be proud or embarrassed by your students actions?
And the second piece of information that grabbed my attention is that “no” means “no”. No gathering with friends is safe, even if you sit/stand 6 ft apart, even if you keep it under 10 people, even if you are all symptom free, even though they are young, even if they are lonely, bored or stir crazy or beg until you can’t stand it anymore, even if they are family, even though we really want to say, ‘yes’. We have to say no! Now that we know how contagious this virus is, we need to protect our families, our friends and our communities. We have to partner together through this time!
Below is what your student received this morning ...
Homework and Grades, What You Need to Know ..
You should be receiving classroom assignments/activities from every teacher every week.
Activities will be posted on Sunday/Monday for the next week.
Each teacher will tell you when things are due.
If you are picking up a paper packet, these are ready for pick up on Monday AND you must return work to the school on the following Monday!!
You are REQUIRED to complete assignments. The State Board of Education and the Governor have mandated Remote Learning during the COVID-19 time period.
Work you do not complete, will be made up with me when we return to face to face instruction.
Grades for this semester will be Pass/Incomplete.
IF you have questions about the assignments, EMAIL YOUR TEACHERS! They all want to help. They are watching for your emails. THEY WANT TO HELP YOU! Don’t give up ... just email and ask questions.
What happens if I have things I need in my locker to complete the school work? Great question … email me and we can set a time for you to come to school to meet me. You CANNOT come into the school. But I can go get your items and meet you in the circle drive.
Prom, graduation, senior trip, dessert theater, the play, spring sports … all of the activities that we love are on hold right now. We have not cancelled anything. Postponed, absolutely … not cancelled … at this point. When restrictions are lifted, we will make those decisions.
Every Tuesday there are two Google forms sent out to the entire school district. Families may order breakfasts/lunches to pick up on Mondays and/or order food from our food pantry, which is delivered to homes on Fridays. Please watch for these and share this information with your friends.
During the next two weeks we are going to ask you to send us a couple of pictures! We are putting together a slideshow to share with everyone. Watch for this email, the directions and the dates! Can’t wait …
I know this is a difficult time. I know it isn’t what we want. Please follow the rules of staying at home and social distancing. We also have new guidelines that tell us to wear cloth masks when we are in public. This is for each of us. Walks with friends, hanging out with friends in person …. we have to put these on hold so our world can return to normal sooner. While I know you are young and healthy, I also know that they are predicting that in the next month over 150,000 Americans will die. This sobering prediction is if we follow the stay at home guidelines perfectly. We have to follow the guidelines … each of us, all of us! Please do not be the person that is spreading the virus and doesn’t know it. Protect your grandparents, your family, your friends!
WE MISS YOU! Stay in touch ….
Mrs. Seegmiller