Good afternoon,
I started to write this email on Friday morning and then heard about the pending press conference from the Governor’s Office. Knowing things were probably changing about the time this went out, I thought our weekly communication might be better arriving a little later than usual.
What’s happening @ALAH? Funny, as so many think it is quiet as we have all been sent home. Our hallways are quiet. But our faculty and staff have been working to redesign how your student’s educational experience is going to look, if we have to continue this school year remotely. They are all working together, from a distance, to help each other navigate the new plan being implemented immediately, teaching from their home to students at home. We are fortunate to have innovative, resourceful, creative faculty that want to make this the best possible experience for your student.
A parent said to me on the phone this week, this isn’t in the handbook and that is exactly right, what we are all experiencing isn’t in the handbook. Well said!
As you have probably heard, per the announcement yesterday afternoon, our district will be closed through April 7th.
Here are some things that are important to know:
Every faculty member is reaching out to your student. They are emailing and posting on their Google Classrooms. PLEASE ask your student to check these.
We are also using this to try and check in with every student. In these crazy times, we want to make sure our students are doing okay.
PLEASE ASK YOUR STUDENT TO RESPOND TO THEIR EMAILS. We are trying to learn who has regular access to the internet and who needs printed copies of materials.
Soon, students will have 2 t0 3 activities per week, per class to complete. We need your help getting your student to participate. As you know, it’s a new world, and we need your help in new ways. Consider setting up a study area with specific times during your student’s day to complete the work. We need to partner together to make remote learning successful.
We need to know who does not have access to the internet and will need printed copies of assignments. This is really important! You may email me or your student may share with your teacher, if you need paper copies.
We will post resources on our web site that might help. Did you see the offer for free internet?
Our counselors are offering virtual counseling check-in sessions. This information is in your student’s emails.
Currently, on Monday mornings from 9 - 11 am, there will be pick up for breakfasts and lunches. ANY student may pick up a week’s worth of breakfasts and lunches at NO COST. Watch your email and social media for updates or changes to this.
We are also filling orders for food from the high school food pantry. Anyone in the district can order from the food pantry at NO COST. Watch for this week’s order form and pick up information.
Seniors should have received two emails from me on Thursday evening. We are working hard to make sure your student has their senior experience, one that is more than just a quarantine!
Please share this information with any parent in our high school family. Checking in with each other is vitally important. Please keep checking your email and watching social media for updates and changes. I watch my email, so don’t hesitate to let me know if I can help with anything.
We are all in this together and we will get through this together!
#washyourhands #stayathome
Mrs. Seegmiller