End of 3rd Quarter
Happy birthday to Brooklyn Erven & Jayden Parsons
Shout out to Abigail Miller, Congratulations on winning her district FFA Proficiency in the area of Agriculture Services. She moves on to State.
Great Job to Maddie Kingery & Hailey Blagg on passing the CNA test!
Congratulations to those inducted to the National Honor Society last night
There will be an all school mandatory assembly during study hall today
Breakfast for the February Student of the Month Nominations is today during flex
Park District Pool applications are in the office
Saturday, March 8, 2025
Boys Indoor track meet @ EIU, bus time 7:15 am
Solo & Ensemble Contest in Moweaqua
Upcoming Dates:
March 11 - Winter Awards Night
March 12 - Spring Sports Pictures
March 13 - School Improvement Day, noon dismissal
March 14 - 16 - Spring Musical