Dear Parents of the Class of 2023 …
The final moments of your student’s senior year are finally here. I know that these days are filled with so many different emotions and excitement.
Here are a few reminders for this week and next.
Tuesday, May 16
Seniors turn in Chromebooks (or purchase for $50), turn in textbooks, clean out lockers and PE lockers, pay lunch fees and outstanding course fees.
Seniors who need to take final exams, take them
Wednesday, May 17
Seniors go to their grade schools @ 8:30 AM in their Cap & Gown
If your student needs transportation, please let Mrs. Seegmiller know ASAP
Seniors return to the high school for their formal individual and class picture
Order pictures go to and use code: 77575S
Catered senior luncheon provided by MasterBrand for seniors, faculty and staff and retired teachers
Thursday, May 18 - Thursday May 25
No school for the Class of 2023
Sunday, May 21
Baccalaureate at 5 PM in the new gym
Friday, May 26
Mandatory Graduation Practice @ 10 AM
Casual dress
Line up in old gym for graduation @ 6 PM
Dress clothes and shoes are required