facilities update

We had an outstanding school year and as we look forward to another exciting chapter in our school history, I thought it would be a good time to update the community regarding our facility improvement program.

Following our loss at the polls in June 2022, our focus has been on understanding what went wrong and what options exist for improving our schools. We asked lots of questions. We listened. Community members responded with a great deal of valuable input and noteworthy suggestions.

What did we do?

• I discussed our facility needs with dozens and dozens of parents, teachers, and community members.

• We conducted lots of focus groups in Arthur, Lovington, and Atwood. I’m thankful to those who attended for honestly sharing your opinions.

• An online public opinion survey was conducted. Participation by community members was great.

• We received valuable input from a community group I brought together to discuss our facility needs. Member input was invaluable.

As I mentioned, we learned a lot. Perhaps most importantly, we learned that people, throughout our district, want to maintain elementary schools in Arthur, Lovington and Atwood. Secondly, we learned that virtually everyone agreed that improvements should be made in our high school. Finally, we learned that a high school improvement plan should not include moving junior high students to that campus or that building. While many were divided on what is best for a long-term solution for grades 6-8, they agreed that this discussion should not get in the way of improving our high school.

Based on that, we began the work of looking at options for improving our high school. Included in those options was the construction of a new building. After completing these options, we conducted another round of focus groups asking participants to evaluate each option. Then we invited all community members to open houses so they could review the options, ask questions, tour our high school, and provide feedback. Based on this input, one option rose to the top as the most preferred.

All community members should understand this option. Among its details are:

• The renovation of the historical and oldest portions of our existing high school. Our architects assure us this building has “good bones” and, with renovation, provides quality educational spaces for many more generations of students.

• Improved career training and FFA spaces.

• Air conditioning for all instructional areas.

• Enhanced safety and security.

• Greatly improved fine and performing arts spaces in a flexible-use space that can have many functions for students and staff.

• Improved instructional technologies.

• A new competition gym.

Of course, this does come at a cost but our children’s education is worth the investment. We will need a bond proposal to pay for these improvements. We are still sharpening our pencil and working with our architects and a construction management firm to confirm the final totals, but we are currently estimating the total cost to come in around 32.6 million dollars. We are also considering the utilization of sales tax revenue at an estimated 5 million dollars to bring the total amount of the bond levy to 27.6 million dollars. Listed below are the estimated tax implications of the 27.6 million dollar levy. In the chart below you will notice two columns, years 1-2 and then years 3-20. The reason there are two columns is to take into consideration the levy that residents of Atwood and Hammond are currently paying on their bond. That levy will conclude in two years, so structuring the proposed levy repayment in this manner will consider that for our stakeholders in the Atwood and Hammond communities. As we progress and narrow the scope of work, these numbers will become finalized and communicated.

We are also providing a survey for you all to consider, to provide us some valuable insight as we progress in the process. You can either copy the link into your browser or scan the QR code to take the survey. We will also have hard copies available in the district office for those who would prefer to take the survey on paper. We are asking that Arthur CUSD 305 residents complete the survey and we will use that information to help us move forward. The survey will close on Sunday, June 30th.

Link - https://www.research.net/r/ArthurCUSD305survey

If you have any questions at all — ANY — please contact my office at 217-543-2511.

The loss in June 2022 was not our desired outcome, but I could not be more gratified with how our community responded to that loss. Everyone has been truthful and helpful. The love of community is clear.

Shannon Cheek
