Jaxsyn Poynter, in second grade, was the winner of our school reading challenge put on by the Arthur Masonic Lodge. Jaxsyn met all four of his reading goals this year. Alex Stodden, in fourth grade, had the most AR points in the entire school with 200 and chose the name out of the bucket to win the bike. Michelle Cook, Greyson Crawford, Oliver Taylor, Sasha Holzinger and Wyatt Norton, in third grade, met their red reading goals. Ayvah Janowski, Teddie Risley, Christian Barnes, Jakob Jeske and Ember Ely, in third grade, met their bronze reading goals. Noah Davis, in second grade, met his red reading goal. Kynnslee Campbell, in first grade, met her silver reading goal. Tyler Trowler, Sawyer Maltby, Christian Stutzman, Julianna Hernandez, Thea Hall, Hannah Miller, Rhyker Gibbs, Matthew Jones, Haven Miller, in kindergarten, met their red reading goals. Jami Watkins, in sixth grade, met her red reading goal. Adlee Berry, Layne Tiffan, Kylan Hall and Teagan Gibbs, in fifth grade, met their silver reading goals. Nikki McCullough, in fifth grade, met her bronze reading goal. Zander Rigdon, in fifth grade, met his red reading goal. Piper Quick, in second grade, met her bronze reading goal. we did not reach our reading goal of 20,000 books this year but came up just short with 19,215, we need to read even more next year so we can meet our goal. Make sure you also read this summer!ayvahSashaPiperChristianTeagan JamihavenAlexkynnsleeNoahWyatt