Each year your school provides screening to ensure children are seeing and hearing optimally for their growth and learning. This is done in accordance with the Illinois Rules and Regulations of the Child Vision and Hearing Test Act.
Vision screening must be provided annually for school age children in kindergarten,
second and eighth grades; students receiving special education services; have been
referred by a teacher; or are transfer students.
Hearing screening must be provided annually for school age children in grades
kindergarten, first, second and third; students receiving special education services;
have been referred by a teacher; or are transfer students. Students who did not pass
a screening in the past and no follow up was received may also be rescreened at
this time.
The parent or legal guardian of a student may object to hearing or vision screening
tests for their children on religious grounds. If a religious objection is made, a
written and signed statement from the parent or legal guardian detailing such
objections must be presented to the local school authority.
If your child passes the above screenings, you may not be contacted. You are
welcome to contact the school nurse to learn the screening findings. If your child
fails any part of the screenings, a rescreen and/or referral will be made. A referral is
a letter sent to the parent recommending further evaluation by your physician or eye
care specialist.
**Children may be exempted from vision or hearing screening if they have been
examined by a regularly licensed physician (for vision or hearing) or optometrist (for
vision) during the 12 months immediately preceding the screening date and they
have provided documentation from the physician.
Screenings are just a snapshot of how your child performs on the day the screening
is administered and is not a substitute for a complete hearing or eye exam.
If you have any questions about the school vision and hearing screening program,
please contact the school nurse at 217-543-2146.