July 23, 2020
Good morning/ afternoon/evening Knight staff, parents and families. We are drafting the details of the return to school plan but we wanted to reach out with a brief summary of that plan as it currently stands. The CDC, IDPH and ISBE may be updating their guidance to schools so we are prefacing this information with the disclaimer that it may change before the start of the school year. We understand how frustrating that can be and we apologize and ask for your continued patience throughout the process.
A summary of the major points of the current proposed plan are listed below.
Full in-school learning five days a week with shortened school days, dismissing grade schools at 1:30pm and high school at 1:17pm. - This schedule will be followed until October 1st, and then a decision will be made moving forward.
Pending board approval the start of school will move from Monday, August 17th to Wednesday, August 19th.
A remote option will be available to families - more details will follow.
All students attending school daily will be expected to follow the Arthur CUSD #305 reopening plan. Students with medical notes that exempt them from following guidelines of in-person learning may be considered for remote learning.
Back to school nights will be held virtually or in small groups.
Everyone in school will be required to wear masks per ISBE mandate. We will plan for several breaks throughout the school day in order to go outside with classmates and remove masks (with social distancing).
Arthur CUSD #305 will require parents to self-certify their students are COVID19 symptom free before sending students to school.
COVID 19 symptoms
Temperature at or above 100.4
Shortness of breath
Loss of taste or smell
Students/employees that were in close contact (defined as without a mask, within six feet, for more than fifteen minutes) of an individual with a positive COVID19 test will be required to self-quarantine based on contact tracing.
Social distancing in school will include classroom seating as far apart as possible, no groupings/gatherings of more than 50 individuals at any one time, single direction sides of hallways and possibly staggered class dismissals.
Additional classroom/building cleaning protocols will be in place.
We will be providing a detailed return to school plan that will include information related to any further potential changes that may be necessary. For example, a move to full or blended learning scenarios based on information gathered. As previously mentioned all plans are subject to change as this has been an ever changing situation.
We would also ask that we all prepare for a potential full remote learning experience moving forward as the Illinois State Board of Education has provided that directive to school districts in their planning guidance. Thank you for your patience and support during these very trying times.