
This week CUSD #305 launched its 6th annual district book club, Knightly Reading: A Family Literacy Event. The youngest family member of K-5th grade students received a copy of Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate to bring home and read together with their families. This novel is an unforgettable and magical story about family, friendship, and resilience. This year's book allows for 3 1/2 weeks of reading enjoyment for students and families and there are plenty of activities planned at school to enrich the reading experience.  

To kick off the literacy program, students gathered in an assembly to meet Eli Imlay, an educator from the Champaign County Humane Society. He talked about pet adoption and care and brought in a special furry friend for the students to meet.

Reading aloud at home is valuable because it better prepares children to be effective readers, but it is also a fun, worthwhile family activity. With the Knightly Reading program we aim to build a community of readers at the schools in our district. 

Additional copies of the book are available upon request from the school. This program has been made possible, in part, by the District #305 Education Foundation and prepared by the Knightly Reading Team of Chrissy Patterson, Title I, Atwood-Hammond Grade School, Lyndsey Herring, Library Aide, Atwood-Hammond Grade School, Jann Harris, Title I, Arthur Grade School, Jennifer Schrock, Library Aide, Arthur Grade School, Amy Tighe, Math, Lovington Grade School, and Renee Brown, District Librarian.

Elijah Imlay, Champaign County Humane Society educator, talks to the students about pet care.

Students at Atwood-Hammond Grade School listen to a presentation about pet care from Humane Educator Elijah Imlay from the Champaign County Humane Society.

A first grader from Atwood-Hammond Grade School, Thea Hall, holds up a water bottle to discuss its use and importance in pet care.

Atwood-Hammond Grade School Kindergartener Calvin Agney gets to meet “Kim” up close.

Jude Edwards, a second grader at Arthur Grade School, is very excited to meet the 3 month old kitten while Conner Miller looks on.

Steveigh Gregory, a kindergartener at Arthur Grade School, gets to meet Kim the kitten.

Izaak Cody, a fourth grader from Lovington Grade School helps the Humane Society Educator  explain the use and importance of nail clippers when caring for pets.

Wrigley Minnis, a kindergarten student, gets to pet Kim, a 3 month old kitten from the Humane Society, as her teacher, Mrs. Luttrell, looks on.