October 9, 2020
No School Monday - Columbus Day Pictures: Students, if you did not have your picture taken in September the photographers will be here today to take your picture. We...

October 8, 2020
Tomorrow, Friday, October 9th we will have Make-Up Picture Day. This is for students that did not get their picture taken on September 22nd. At 2 pm on Friday we will take ...

October 8, 2020
Virtual Parent Teacher Conferences will be October 21st & 22nd from 4-8 p.m. each night. Watch for more information on how you can sign up to meet with your student's teachers.

October 8, 2020
Happy Birthday today to Caleb Corum and Mrs. Singer Tomorrow is Holiday Hoopla Spirit Day: Wear your favorite holiday gear. You can even combine holidays. What is your f...

October 7, 2020
Check out the newest edition of The Knightly News! The paper is published each month by the Journalism Class. https://tinyurl.com/y266aglb

October 7, 2020
Happy Birthday to Michaela Powell and Payton Rawlins Juniors and seniors the virtual meeting with SIUE is today at 2:30. You have an email with the Zoom code if you ...

October 6, 2020
Happy Birthday over the weekend to Mrs. Frye, Max Allen and Emma Jones and today to Ashlynn Baker CONGRATULATIONS to Hannah Carter! She was the 10th responder with a...

October 2, 2020
Good afternoon Knight Families:
Picture Day is Friday, October 9th. We will also be taking senior banner pictures and team pictures for cheerleading, golf and cross country ...

October 2, 2020
No School Monday: We do not have school on Monday! Have a great three day weekend. Today is Knights' Spirit Day. Check your Knights of October Spirit Month calendar to ...

October 1, 2020
Happy Birthday to Trey Wardrip National Honor Society: Congratulations to the 2020-2021 National Honor Society officers. President Erin Scrock, Vice President Jace ...

September 30, 2020
Happy Birthday to Katelyn Ahrendt! Wellness Wednesdays: Ms. Bright will be posting Wellness Wednesday tips on her instagram every Wednesday. These will include tips t...

September 29, 2020
Happy Birthday to Mrs. Beckmier today! Students please check your email this morning. You have been sent a ballot to vote for our Spirit Month King and Queen . Votin...

September 28, 2020
This year you can meet teachers and staff from the comfort of your own home. Just click on the link below to get started. Arthur Lovington Atwood Hammond High School Virtual Open...

September 28, 2020
Happy Birthday over the weekend to Emma Sausman and today to Mr. Bates Lunch Spots! When the weather is bad (rainy, snowy, cold, etc.) here are all of the indoor locati...

September 25, 2020
Good afternoon Knight Families:
The faculty and staff want to invite you to our Virtual Open House! We are disappointed that we aren’t able to have you in for our annual open ...

September 25, 2020
Happy Birthday today to Brady Borntreger Seniors read your email from Mrs. Seegmiller! Juniors and Seniors: There will be a virtual meeting with the Millikin rep on ...

September 24, 2020
Happy Birthday today to Mallory Nichols The Stu Co spirit days committee needs to stop by Mrs. Renfro's room at 1:30 tomorrow to go over a few things. Turtle Namin...

September 23, 2020
Happy Birthday today to Nick Taylor Turtle Naming: Mrs. Huffman's 6th hour leadership class is having a turtle naming contest for the 2 turtles in the courtyard pond...

September 21, 2020
School pictures : We will be doing school pictures tomorrow. Seniors check your email for what you should wear. After school on Tuesday we will be doing senior banner pictures....

September 18, 2020
Good afternoon Knight Families:
Today marks an important milestone this year... the midterm of our first quarter! We are halfway to the end of the first quarter. Please check ...